ISAAC 2018: The 29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
Venue: Hotel Royal Chiaohsi, Jiaoxi, Yilan County, Taiwan
Date: December 16-19, 2018
The 29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2018) will take place in Jiaoxi, Yilan County, Taiwan on December 17-19, 2018. The symposium is intended to provide a forum for researchers working in algorithms and theory of computation.
Proceedings of ISAAC 2018
Photos on Dec. 16th
Photos on Dec. 17th
Photos on Dec. 18th
Photos on Dec. 19th
ISAAC 2018 Shared Album
Keynote Speakers
- Clifford Stein (Columbia University, USA)
- Shang-Hua Teng (University of Southern California, USA)
Workshop on Frontiers of Combinatorial Optimization & Geometric Computing
In this year’s ISAAC, we will organize a special workshop on Dec. 16 and invite several internationally renowned computer scientists who were born in 1949 or earlier as special guest speakers. The list of the invited speakers is as follows:
- Tetsuo Asano (JAIST, Japan)
- Kurt Mehlhorn (Max Planck, Germany)
- Ian Munro (University of Waterloo, Canada)
- Robert Tarjan (Princeton University, USA)
Panel Discussion
- D. T. Lee (Academia Sinica ,Taiwan)
Bubble-tea Session of Open Problems
In addition, we plan to arrange an open-problem session during ISAAC, which aims at providing a forum for discussion and brainstorming among the ISAAC community. Participants are welcome to submit and share their open problems. Please see the call-for-abstract poster. Submissions are due by November 16, 2018.
- Ho-Lin Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
- Kai-Min Chung (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
- Sándor Fekete (TU Braunschweig, Germany, Co-Chair)
- Wing-Kai Hon (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
- Luca Trevisan (UC Berkeley, USA, Co-Chair)
Important Dates
Submission deadline: Jun/29/2018 (Anywhere on Earth) Acceptance notification: Aug/31/2018 Camera-ready version: Sep/28/2018 Early registration: Oct/26/2018 Contact: <> About ISAACSponsors